Hi, I’m Alok! I’m a CS Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley, advised by Aydın Buluç and Kathy Yelick. I am affiliated with the PASSION Lab, the BeBOp Group, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
I am on the academic and industry job markets in 2024-2025
My research focuses on accelerating machine learning in HPC environments to enable new types of ML. Currently, I am using distributed sparse matrix kernels to scale large GNN models. I am also working on applying GNNs to science problems, such as particle track reconstruction and metagenomic binning. In the past, I worked on accelerating graph analytics on GPUs. My work has been supported by the NSF Fellowship.
Before coming to Berkeley, I worked with Oded Green in David Bader’s HPC lab at Georgia Tech (Go Jackets!).
Ph.D. in Computer Science
UC Berkeley
B.S. in Computer Science, 2019
Georgia Tech